Common Name: White Oak
Scientific Name: Quercus bicolor
Growth Rate: Medium Growth
Soil: Moist
Seedling Size: 5" to 12"
Mature Height: 50' to 70'
Purchase in increments of 25 seedlings.
Swamp white oak occurs in moist soil on bottomlands and floodplains of the Mississippi River. It looks similar to bur oak (Q. macrocarpa) but the leaves are more evenly lobed, and the acorn cup is not fringed. It can withstand spring flooding, but will not survive wet soil all summer.
Photos by MN DNR
White Oak (Swamp)
SKU: 0049
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Failure to pick up trees at May pick up dates may result in a late pick up fee. Please call 218-828-6197, for arranging to pick up your order.