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Common Name: Serviceberry or Juneberry

Scientific Name: Amelanchier alnifolia

Growth Rate: Medium Growth

Soil: Dry to Moist

Seedling Size: 8" to 12"

Mature Height: 6' to 9'


Purchase in increments of 25 seedlings.


Shrubs or small trees to 13 feet high. Leaves broad-oval to suborbicular, 1-2″ long, with lateral, conspicuous parallel veins in 8-13 pairs. Margins coarsely serrate or dentate to below middle or sometimes entire or with a few small teeth at the top. Flowers in upright racemes (April and May), short and rather dense, 5-15 flowered, densely silky-villous; petals white, sepals more or less pilose within, becoming reflexed in age, stamens about 20, styles 5, united below. Summit of ovary persistently tomentose. Fruit glabrous, glaucous, purple-black.


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SKU: 0021
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  • Failure to pick up shrubs at May pick up dates may result in a late pick up fee. Please call 218-828-6197, for arranging to pick up your order.