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Common Name: Red Osier Dogwood

Scientific Name: Cornus sericea

Growth Rate: Fast Growth

Soil: Dry to Moist Soil

Seedling Size: 8" to 12"

Mature Height: 5' to 10'


Purchase in increments of 25 seedlings.


Red-osier dogwood is a common shrub throughout Minnesota. It is especially abundant in wet meadows, marshes, and swamps, but it does well if planted in an upland habitat. It grows on wet loam, sand, muck or sedge peat. It flowers all summer, and produces attractive white berries that are a favorite with wildlife. The stems are green in the summer and red in the winter.


Learn more here


Photos by Schumacher's Nursery and MN DNR

Red Osier Dogwood

SKU: 0014
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  • Failure to pick up shrubs at May pick up dates may result in a late pick up fee. Please call 218-828-6197, for arranging to pick up your order.