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Common Name: Paper Birch

Scientific Name: Betula papyrifera

Growth Rate: Fast Growth

Soil: Dry to Moist

Seedling Size: 12" to 18"

Mature Height: 50' to 70'


Purchase in increments of 25 seedlings.


The white peeling bark of paper birch is a familiar sight in northern conifer forests, and lakeshores. It is the bark of this tree that American Indians used to make canoes and baskets; it is remarkably waterproof and rot resistant. Paper birch can be planted in moist or dry, open settings


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Photos by Deanie Nelson & John Bonde

Paper Birch

SKU: 0033
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  • Failure to pick up trees at May pick up dates may result in a late pick up fee. Please call 218-828-6197, for arranging to pick up your order.