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Common Name: Mountain Ash

Scientific Name: Sorbus americana

Growth Rate: Slow Growth

Soil: Moist Soil

Seedling Size: 12" to 18"

Mature Height: 30' to 40'


Purchase in increments of 25 seedlings.


American mountain-ash is a small tree that occurs in the coniferous forest region on moist or wet soil in places where it can get some sun---at forest edges such as along lakes and streams, in openings in lowland forests and swamps, or at the margins of wetlands, lakes, or streams. Better for moist or wet areas than showy mountain ash (S. decora)


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Mountain Ash

SKU: 0034
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  • Failure to pick up trees at May pick up dates may result in a late pick up fee. Please call 218-828-6197, for arranging to pick up your order.